Internalized Expectations
I learned early that secrets must remain locked in the hearts they bleed from.
Shame was engraved into my shadows,
And fear became my armor.
Who am I to live in my truth?
There was nothing written to say I deserve to be loved in the binaries I live between,
So I chose to pick the side that seemed to rest without misery, and second guessing
The side that never walks with shameful shadows.
A method of protection to pretend I got everything I needed in my younger days.
I had food, water and a place to lay my head.
I always had shelter and was never met with a threat.
I am blessed, to say the least.
My feelings were only tangible in my night terrors,
I preferred to sleep walk through my days trying to find a human vessel that could translate,
Until those Beautiful Girls started to make me,
I lived in denial that my heart could hurt that bad.
I was supposed to be standing in the fire,
And putting the team on my back.
Internalized expectations,
From songs that confirmed my absent validation.
Even then,
I chose to keep the secrets that were making my heart bleed,
My inner child was malnourished,
My ego was gluttonous, spoiled, fragile
A straight up asshole ruled by the emotions I only addressed in my daydreams.
I chose dissonance,
When I needed conviction
That I was, and am, worthy.